Tokemak Uniswap/Sushiswap jar
under review
Tokemak has two pools for their governance token, one on Uniswap v2 (, and one on Sushiswap (
With a combined TVL of $40m, and an APR of >500% at time of writing this seems like a prime candidate for a jar, this isn’t however a normal pool 2 farm. Tokemak uses cycles to distribute rewards to depositors.
As of right now, cycles are daily, if you deposit during a cycle you’ll begin earning TOKE at the start of next cycle. Rewards are claimable weekly, this means that if you deposited during cycle 3 you’ll acrue TOKE from the start of cycle 4 and be able to claim at the start of cycle 8.
Eventually Tokemak will transition to weekly cycles, which means that you’ll start accrueing TOKE in the weekly cycle after you deposit.
The medium link to their article about cycles:
Since locking liquidity in jars is being explored, and this requires locking, this sounds like a good candidate for a jar.
leekuanjew | 🥒
under review
being studied at the moment, may need to wait for jar with cooldown
John P
Rising fast in popularity and already establishing relationships with other major protocols (alchemix, chainlink, synthetix, barnbridge, ...).
Since this could be the birth of a new blue chip, I am interested in accumulating this token, not simply harvesting for more LP. I would love to see this turn into a symbiotic jar like how the alETH jar is planned to be.
Cerunos Crypto
I also agree, I see no good reasons to not do it 🤠
yes great suggestion sir
No brainer, let's do it