The current APY of the renBTCCRV Jar on Pickle Finance (Polygon) is 0.34% with only $18K in the Jar.
The below strategy can incentivise the size of the pool to grow and encourage people to start farming their BTC.
  1. Acquire renBTC in the cheapest possible way using either Hippodrome or Cometh.
  2. Provide liquidity on renBTCCRV pool on Curve Polygon and get base APY of 0.28%
  3. Sell the LM rewards (3.18% CRV and 2.85% WMATIC) to get more renBTC on Cometh or Hippodrome, whichever is cheaper.
  4. LP again on curve and repeat this process.
  5. Deposit LP token on Pickle and repeat steps 1 to 4.
This strategy can possibly give approximately 5.00% returns on your renBTC provided that the interest rates and LM rewards on curve finance are stable. When you compare that with the “0% rate'' you get on Aave or Compound, this is a much better alternative to work your BTC.
Wanted to attach my calculations but I could only attach an image. So DM me on Discord YJN#6620 to know more.